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New year, new feelings!!(新年,新感觉!!)

时间:2007/1/7 作者: 楚留香 热度: 88833

New year, new feelings!!(新年,新感觉!!)

Yes, it is true, I have a new feelings!
I am starting tomorrow, Friday January 1st, 2007! I am admitted an English teacher in a senior middle school.It is likely a  permanent job, and  it will give me an experience in the field that I want to work in.It will be 56 hours a week .There are many vigor ,warm-hearted students.They are not the most study-freaks students, but I met them today and they seem very nice.
I am really happy to be doing this job.It will help me find something else for next year easier.
I am really grateful to the people who hired me because they accept the fact that I don't have the experience or the diplomas for it, but I have the will and the possibility to acheive this task.
I will tell you more about it when I've started.
Other than that everything is going Ok.heating...) !
We had a lot of fun
I think this is the important news for now. Don't hesitate to make remarks.




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