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时间:2023/11/9 作者: 国际比较文学 热度: 18537
Featured Scholar

  LIU Xiangyu is Professor of Comparative Literature and British/American Literature at Beijing Normal University (1982–).A recipient of the CCLA Lifetime Achievement Award,he was also a SSBFS Visiting Scholar at Birkbeck College,University of London,and has twice won the Fulbright Scholar Grant.He had served as a member of ICLA Executive Committee,vice president of CCLA,and is currently Advisory Board Member forChinese Comparative Literature and Foreign Literature Review.His best known books areAn Introduction to Comparative Literature(co-author,1989,2006,2010) andFrom Comparative Literature to Comparative Culture(2011),etc.He has translated important works includingTheory of Literatureby René Wellek (co-trans.,1984,2005,2010,2017),Comparative Literature and Literary Theory:Survey and Introductionby Ulrich Weisstein(trans.,1987),A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theoryby Raman Selden,Peter Widdowson,and Peter Brooker (trans.,2007),The Postmodern Turnby Ihab Hassan (trans.,2015),andDiscriminations:Further Concepts of Criticismby René Wellek (co-trans.,2015),etc.He has edited influential textbooks includingPostcolonialism(co-ed.,1999),From Modernism to Postmodernism(co-ed.,2002),Cultural Studies:A Reader(co-ed.,2003),andA Brief History of Foreign Literary Theory(ed.,2005),etc.北京师范大学比较文学与英美文学教授,中国比较文学学会终身成就奖获得者之一。曾是伦敦大学伯克贝克学院中英友好奖学金访问学者、两届美国富布莱特学者,曾任国际比较文学学会理事、中国比较文学学会副会长,担任《中国比较文学》编委、《外国文学评论》编委。主要著作有:《比较文学概论》(合著)、《从比较文学到比较文化》等;译著:《文学理论》(合译)、《比较文学与文学理论》《当代文学理论导读》《后现代转向》《辨异:续<批评的诸种概念>》(合译)等;编著:《后殖民主义文化理论》(合编)、《从现代主义到后现代主义》(合编)、《文化研究读本》(合编)、《外国文论简史》等。




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