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时间:2023/11/9 作者: 散文百家 热度: 17535
卢毓敏 莫运夏







一、莱斯(Katharina Reiss)文本类型理论和营销学理论

旅游小册子的翻译属于“应用翻译”,国外比较一致的提法是practical translation, applied translation或pragmatic translation。国内译学界对“应用翻译”的定位和范围也有不同说法, 但大多有这样的共识:“应用翻译”以传达信息为目的(同时考虑信息的传递效果), 它区别于传达有较强情感意义和美学意义的“文学翻译”。(方梦之,2003)应用翻译的文本类型各异,传递信息往往是有选择性,因此,要求在理论观念上的、翻译策略上的以及方法技巧上灵活运用。

  Reiss主张从语篇类型视角研究翻译,他最初把文本类型分为信息型(informative type)、表情型(expressive type) 和运作型 (operative type) 三大主要功能(后又增添视听型文本(audio-medial type)。根据上述功能划分,评价译文的成功与否要看译文是否符合相应文本类型:

  (a) in an informative text it guarantees direct and full access to the conceptual content of the SL text;

  (b)in an expressive text it transmits a direct impression of the artistic form of the conceptual content; and

  (c)in an operative text it produces a textform which will directly elicit the desired response.

  (Reiss. Text Types Translation Types and Translation Assessment. 1989:110)



  彼得·纽马克(Peter Newmark)(2001:21)在《翻译问题探讨》一书中曾对文本按语言功能分三类:信息型、表达型和呼唤型,针对不同的文本类型采用不同的翻译方法。因此,从文本类型的角度看,旅游小册子得具备这三种文本类型,所以,译文应充分考虑外国旅游者对信息的需求和审美诉求,提供旅游者必需的信息,使他们能通过翻译的文本有效地捕捉旅游资源信息,提升他们对中国旅游资源的认知度和感情向往。这类文本的翻译还需要译者借鉴营销学的理论指导,突出文本的营销信息,使译文具有营销功能,成为信息传播的有效载体。




  英国部分旅游小册子信息结构表(Carolyn Sumberg,2004)

  再 看 Frommer’s China(2006), Lonely planet China(2012) Eugene Law China Guide Tour in China和Intercontinental’s Best of China对桂林景区手册信息结构。这两部手册对桂林介绍的篇幅、单词数及信息结构。


  主题结构:小册子中按主要主题顺序Frommer’s China 16 700手册 页数每页平均单词数基本信息,地图,交通和通信,银行,医院,景点及资费,住宿及费用,饮食,购物基本信息,交通和通信,银行,景点及资费,住宿及费用,饮食,购物Lonely planet China 16 500

  Frommer’s China和Lonely planet China对桂林主要景区介绍的信息结构

  Frommer’s China


  景区 页数每页平均单词数主题结构:小册子中按主要主题顺序叠彩山 2 84推荐等级,历史与遗产,风景点,地点,营业信息独秀峰 8 104推荐等级,风景点,历史与遗产, 地点,营业信息推荐等级,位置,历史,景区精华,交通,营业信息七星公园 4 147 推荐等级,景区精华,文化遗产,营业信息漓江 4 310 景区评价,景区精华,营业信息象山景区 2 150 景区评价,景区精华,营业信息芦笛岩 2 260

  Lonely planet China


  景区 页数每页平均单词数主题结构:小册子中按主要主题顺序叠彩山、伏波山、象鼻山1 183 风景点,地点,营业信息,交通独秀峰 1 81 历史,风景点,地点,营业信息,交通芦笛岩 1 166 位置,历史,景区精华,营业信息,交通七星公园 1 147 历史,景区精华,营业信息,交通漓江 2 146 景区精华,营业信息

  不可否认,Lonely planet China因其印刷精美、信息量齐全而是受英语国家游客所接受,几乎每年都有新版,在桂林街头,常见英语国家的游客手头上带着,但是,其1000多页的篇幅,便携性是首先考虑的,同时,该手册着眼于中国旅游资源的介绍,由于篇幅限制,无法提供某一区域的详尽信息,再者,由于编者对桂林的认知不是很全面,其提供的信息不准确,不少信息难免有以讹传讹的成份,还夹杂编者对桂林一些旅游现象的误解和偏见。但是,这类小册子的功能不是营销,是提供旅游信息的。





(1)信息结构。英国旅游小册子特色鲜明。英国各地的旅游小册子在有限的篇幅中,对于信息结构的安排基本上是依照该地的风景特点安排的。如剑桥郡,切斯特, 伊普斯威奇,英格兰中部(沃里克,凯尼尔沃思镇,利明顿矿泉市,斯特拉特福镇),斯托克无一不是把历史与遗产放在首位的,因为这些景区具有非常鲜明的历史与遗产特点,是旅客感兴趣的。只有牛津把旅游目的地放在首位。



  Castle Howard

  封面:YORK—the original city adventure.

  引用Lonely Planet的词句,充满商业营销味:Castle Howard “One of the world’s top ten greatest mansions and grand houses”.

  (3)信息功能齐全。Travel in the style of Monarchs past. Join one of our fantastic services that offer the opportunity to travel by boat to windsor or Hampton Court. Bar service and commentary on board. Advance tickets & offers available online. Frenchbrothers.co.uk


  充满呼唤功能的介绍:Marvel at dramatic interiors and world-renowned collections with friendly and knowledgeable guides sharing Castle Howard’s stories. Discover breathtaking parkland dotted with lakes, temples and statues, woodland paths, kitchen garden, children’s trails and adventure playground.

  Wicken Fen National Nature Reserve:

  Enjoy this internationally renowned wetland and its wildlife up close, …Wicken Fen is a remnant of ancient fenland, with wildflowers,reedbeds, sedge fields and water. It is home to a huge variety of birds, including rare species like hen harrier and bittern, plants, and insects, as well as our grazing herds of highland cattle and konik ponies.

  Wrest Park:Explore the evolution of the English garden and take a stroll through three centuries of landscape design at Wrest Park.

  From dazzling parterres and fragrant borders,to sweeping landscapes and woodland walks—Wrest Park is a real treat for the senses. Explore over 90 acres showcasing French, Dutch, Italian and English styles side by side.







  It was built in the 5year of the Hongwu Reign of the Ming Dynasty (1372 AD) and is the main hall of Jingjiang Prince City. It used to be the place for the princes to handle political and military affairs in the Ming Dynasty, later it became the office building of Guangxi provincial government. The grand foundation, the carvedstone railings and steps are reminders of the Ming Dynasty. They remind people of the glory of the past. Now an exhibition hall named “The History of the Prince City” is opened, which has perfectly displayed the vicissitude of the history and culture of Guilin.




  Located in the center of the Prince City,the Solitary Beauty Peak derived its name from the poem of the Southern Dynasty poet Yan Yanzhi“Towering into the sky is only the Solitary Beauty Peak”. Due to its abrupt rise from the ground level, the Solitary Beauty Peak looks high and magnificent, hence its name “A Pillar under Southern Sky”. Together with Die Cai Hill and Fu Bo Hill in the city of Guilin it stands like one of the three pillars as the legs of a tripod.Under the morning sunshine or the evening glow,it seems to be a dominator cloaked in a purple robe with a golden girdle. It is also called the“Purple Golden Hill”. Since ancient times, it has always been a famous scenic spot, known as“picturesque Solitary Beauty Peak.” The poet Yuan Mei of the Qing Dynasty praised it in a poem which goes like “No trace of beginning or ending can be seen anywhere, A peak suddenly thrust into the southern heaven here. Strange are the hills and peaks in the City of Guilin, but Solitary Beauty Peak has nobody else to compare”. On the top of the peak, there is a pavilion. Relying on the railings and looking into the distance, you can get a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of the city.



桂林各景区旅游资源丰富,景色千姿百态,共同构成桂林独特的美,同时,各景区又各有特色,自成体系,对于这类的旅游文本,根据平行语料库,结合旅游小册子的功能,以营销为导向,在封面上下功夫,在内容上大胆创新,跳出中文简介的限制,了解英语国家旅客心理和需要信息,对照Lonely Planet等知名出版社的文本模式,提供足够的旅游者需求的信息。





  Elephant Trunk Hill--the city emblem and the symbol of Guilin


  The Solitary Beauty Peak is an exciting steep climb and affords fine view of Guilin.

  The Prince City—the most well-preserved ancient seignior palace in China.


  The Li River--the most beautiful river in the world



  The Li River boasts “hundred miles gallery”, far surpasses what you’ll see around Guilin, the river looks like a green ribbon flowing across the hills, both sides have plethora of protruding humps, cliffs,waterfalls, bamboo and village huts, making for a breathtaking real life painting. The most stunning section is the 24km-stretch between Yangdi and Xingping. Starting from Yang Di there are more than 20 picturesque viewing points,the river cruise takes in a wealth of gorgeous Karst peaks on the way. You will undoubtedly marvel at the uncanny workmanship of Nature.

  又如,对桂林王城的介绍:In the center of Guilin, the Solitary Beauty Peak rises sheer from the level ground, on the peak a full view of the city feasts your eyes.The Prince City affords you a peaceful, leafy retreat from the busycity. The well-preserved seignior mansions and the ancient wall witness the splendor of the former days and the ostentatious display of imperial family.


  承运殿:The palace, built in 1372 (the 5th year of the Hongwu Reign of the Ming Dynasty),is the main hall of Jingjiang Prince City. It was the place where the princes dealt with important military and political affairs, and later it was the office building of Guangxi provincial government. The grand platform, the white marble railings and carved-stone steps are reminders of/have witnessed the glory of the Ming Dynasty.In the exhibition hall, the“The History of the Prince City” is a perfect interpretation of the vicissitude of the history and culture of Guilin.

  独秀峰:In the center of Guilin, the Solitary Beauty Peak (also called Duxiu Hill) rises sheer from the level ground, with the Diecai Hill and the Fubo Hill standing nearby. The Peak, derived its name from a famous ancient poet Yan Yanzhi,has always been a famous scenic spot. On the peak a full view of the city feasts your eyes.







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