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时间:2023/11/9 作者: 北方文学·上旬 热度: 15626




  母性善良 母心体贴 母爱无私

  大量的英语名言都赞美了母亲的善良、体贴和无私:母亲是这么一个人,当看到家里有五个人但只有四个饼的时候,她会说她不喜欢吃饼:A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people,promptly announces she never did care for pie.母亲是世界上最有可能写传记时一点都不提到自己的人:Mom-- the person most likely to write an autobiography and never mention herself.母亲是阴霾天的阳光the sun shine on a cloudy day,母亲是永无止境的爱Mothers love...never ends,她驱赶走了痛苦和恐惧。

  母性宽宥 母爱真纯 母爱年轻 母如彩虹

  西方名言赞美了母亲的宽宥:My mother had a slender,small body,but a large heart - a heart so large that everybody's joys found welcome in it,and hospitable accommodation.母爱的真诚纯洁:When you look into your mothers eyes,you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.母亲如彩虹般柔美:She is my rainbow at the end of a storm;母爱永远年轻:A mothers love never ages.;母亲收到的回报最丰厚,因为那是纯粹的爱pure love.

  母智如哲 母劳如蚁 母坚如石

  “女本柔弱,为母则刚。”The woman is weak,but the mother is strong.在西方人的笔下,母亲睿智、辛劳、坚韧不拔。比如:如果达尔文的进化论是正确的话,那么母亲为什么只有两只手呢?If evolution really works,how come mothers only have two hands?这是赞美母亲的勤劳和辛苦。此类例子,不胜枚举。

  母有神力 母赐幸福 母润心田

  母亲往往能给人神奇的力量,给孩子带来幸福安康,能滋润孩子的心田。如《泰坦尼克号》男主演说:我的母亲是一个活在身边的奇迹a walking miracle.下面这段优美的排比结构,也表明了母亲深沉的爱滋润心田:The palm on your fevered brow,the soft kisses when you need them most,the grip that steadies you on rocky roads,the hand that feeds and nurtures you,the voice that tells you that you are loved,the shadow that walks beside you unconditional and enduring,a mothers love.

  母亲如朋 母是唯一 母亲是温暖的家

  西方人把母亲描述成朋友:A boy's best friend is his mother.;母亲是家:A little girl,asked where her home was,replied,"where mother is.";母亲是另一个自己,是最纯净的爱,是一种安慰和帮助,是生命中不可替代的唯一:A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take.

  母堪为师 母足为范 母亲是最好的学校

  在西方人眼中,母亲是教师,是塑造家,是学校:A mother's heart is the child's schoolroom.;母亲影响孩子终身:你在摇篮里时母亲对你唱的歌,可以一直陪伴你走到人生的终点。What the mother sings to the cradle goes all the way down to the coffin.母亲让孩子摆脱依赖走向独立:A mother is not a person to lean on but a person to make leaning unnecessary.

  母心怀忧 母随如露 母圣母凡 母可开涮

  西方人笔下的母亲,往往充满母性特有的忧愁,挂念孩子,对终有一天会告别孩子而感到愁肠百结;母亲既是圣人,也是凡人,是可以用来开涮的开心果:母亲花了20年把儿子变成男子汉,而另一个女人只花了20分钟就把他变成了傻瓜:It takes a woman twenty years to make a man of her son,and another woman twenty minutes to make a fool of him.;2500多年前的亚里士多德开玩笑说:为什么母亲比父亲更喜爱孩子?因为母亲比父亲更确信孩子是她自己的。下面这句If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time,the insane asylum would be filled with mothers.和這句Mothers of teenagers know why animals eat their young.没有体会过带孩子的辛苦的人,很难深味句中带泪的微笑和苦涩。


  英国诗人蒲柏在赞美牛顿在科学上的巨大贡献时说,牛顿是上帝派来的。通过上面分析归纳出的母亲形象,笔者认为,西方人笔下的母亲,善良、美丽、仁慈、睿智、辛劳、温暖、无私和大爱无边。因此,完全可以说母亲也是上帝派来的;或者说,母亲就是上帝的化身,母亲是一尊没有神殿的神:Mother is God Without a Temple.









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