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The importance of Team Spirit and Communication in the Workplace

时间:2023/11/9 作者: 新生代 热度: 21569
姚敬超 天津外国语大学 天津 300204

  When it comes to the team spirit and communication, most of people have an idea that it is extremely important to our work. I also think it can bring a lot of benefits to us, and my reasons are as follows:

  First of all, team spirit and good communication will create a pleasant working atmosphere, which will make workers get on well with each other or help each other. For example, if your child has a cold, you need to take him or her to the hospital.While you cannot go to your company, maybe you have some necessary work to do, like an interview to attend at that time. So you can ask your colleagues for help sincerely rather than ordering them to do you a favor and your partner will be willing to help you. If people work in a company like this,they can feel good even feel like at home because they are not lonely and the partners would help them when they are in trouble. Maybe their job satisfaction will be increased, then turnover rate maybe be lower. Finally, the cost of the company would be reduced as well. The corporation can spend more funds on team building, R&D or a few activities related to employee caring.

  What’s more, team spirit and good communication can be conducive to deal with problems. For instance, there is a famous story about three monks.If there is one monk in the temple, he can be selfsufficient through fetching water by himself.However, if there are three monks, no one would like to take the initiative to do that and they often dispute with each other to explain their own reasons to shed that responsibility. It was not until the fire stroke that they realized that they ought to cooperate and have a good discussion with each other. And it is owing to the team spirit and good communication that the three monks can succeed in fighting the fire and they fetch water together from then on. Faced with the problems, we shall not avoid them but pluck up our courage to be united and take the initiative to communicate to find the right ways to do with them.

  More importantly, through team spirit and good communication, we can have a success and defeat our rivals. It is apparent in some team competitions,like basketball game or relay race. When playing a game, the players need to collaborate and talk with each other about the tactics. If you can assist your teammates to shoot to have scores, you can also make contributions to your team to win the game. The rule is equal, your teammates will work with you when you have a better chance to get scores. And the indispensable condition is that, you are willing to cooperate and you know how to do and what to do.However, if you always want to show yourself and to get scores by yourself, you will be very tired and painful. Or you must do a disservice for your team when you don’t communicate with your partner well.Certainly you will lose the game, even if you are gifted. Be committed to what you do, for everyone’s effort will contribute to the final success. We can learn from the famous players, Kobe Bryant, it goes without saying that his success result from the team spirit and good communication with his teammates as well.

  From the above discussion, a conclusion can be naturally made that team spirit and communication are beneficial to us. And as the saying goes,unity is strength. Consequently, we need to pay more attention to it. At the same time, improving your interpersonal skills is also important. In a company, we need to express ourselves clearly and then others can know what they need to do. Language is an art, we had better improve the skills. Our pursuit is to love,peace and respect. As Jack Ma put it, today is difficult, tomorrow is more difficult,but the day after tomorrow is beautiful. Taking no effort to have team spirit and good communication,you will enjoy it and maybe you will have a surprise.




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